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Relative Density Set

Apparatus determines the relative density of cohesionless, free-draining soils and provides well-defined results on soils that do not respond well to conventional moisture-density impact compaction testing. Soils for which this method is appropriate may contain up to 12 percent of soil particles passing a No. 200 (75µm) sieve, depending on the distribution of particle sizes, which causes them to have free-draining characteristics. Relative density of cohesionless soils uses vibratory

Vibrating table
Table 30″ X 30″ Electromagnetic 3600 vpm
0.1 cu.ft Relative dencity mold set
Alumunium 0.1cu.ft 6″id x 6.112insie ht by 3/8″ thick
0.5 cu.ft Relative dencity mold set
Alumunium 0.5 cu.ft 11″id x 9.092insie ht by 3/8″ thick
Calibration bar plate
steel 3″ W x 12″ Lx 1/8″ Thick
Dial Indicator
50 mm x   0.01 mm