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Liquid Limit Test Set

ASTM D-4318 AASHTO T-89 For determining liquit limit of soil sample

Liquid Limit Device Hand Counter

Hand operated, brass cup, hard rubber base, provided with counter.
ASTM Grooving Tool
Machined steel, head gauge
Cassagrande Grooving Tool
Brass plate
Thin Box
Alumunium sheet, provided with cap. 60 gram capacity
Glass Plate
10 cm thick, 30 x 30 cm
Graduated Cylinder
Glass made, 100 ml capacity
Evaporating Dish
12 cm dia., 250 ml capacity.
Wooden handle, stainless steel blade, 10 cm length.
Wooden handle, stainless steel blade, 10 cm length.peralatan terkait yang diperlukan dalam penelitian klik disini

Liquid limit at peralatan sipil.