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Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

For rapid determination of field CBR value (rapid quality control).

Stainless steel
Machined steel, Painted, 8 kg weight
Guide Rod
Stainless steel, 16 mm dia drop height 575 mm
Machined steel, welded, painted
Penetration Rod
Stainless steel, 16 mm dia, 75 cm effective length
Hardened tool steel cone tip, 60o angle, 20 mm dia., stainless steel adaptor
Penetration Scale
Stainless steel, 16 mm dia 75 cm scale
Carrying Bag
Water Proof cloth
Open End Wrench
Metric unit, 10-11

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Peralatan penelitian terkait

Dutch Cone Penetrometer – klik disini

alat untuk mencari nilai CBR dari suatu lapisan tanah langsung di lapangan.

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer – peralatan sipil