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082140460910 [email protected]
Marshall Test Set

Marshall Test Set

Marshall Test Set ASTM D-1559   AASHTO T-245 For determining the resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of the marshall apparatus. Compression Machine Steel frame, electric, 220 V-AC, 1/2 HP,...
Mesin Core Drill aspal

Mesin Core Drill aspal

Mesin Core Drill Aspal Mesin Core Drill Digunakan Untuk Pengambilan Sample Perkerasan Jalan pada permukaan Jalan Yang Sudah Jadi, Baik Jalan Aspal Maupun Beton sehingga bisa diketahui tebal perkerasannya serta untuk mengetahui karakteristik campuran perkerasan dengan...
Benkleman Beam

Benkleman Beam

Benkleman Beam For measuring the deflection of flexible pavement under the action of moving wheel loads. Fixed Beam Alumunium profile frame, 3 points adjuster, with vibrator and dial holder. Alumunium strip arm, 1: 2 lever ratio Tire Gauge 120 psi capacity Surface...
Automatic Compactor

Automatic Compactor

Automatic Compactor to accelerate the process of preparation of the test specimen marshal Heavy-Duty, Automatic Single Compactor Type Marshall Available Mold Diameter 4 & 6″ Foot Type Tapered Input Power115V...